faith General Conference renewing the church united methodist church

Reflections on Day 9 of the UMC General Conference 2020(4)

Day 9 of the UMC General Conference 2020(4) started with an early morning prayer for Bishop David Wilson from the Great Plains as he prepared to preach during morning worship. Bishop Wilson’s message emphasized the common ground we share as United Methodists and the importance of making decisions that will positively impact the next seven generations.

The morning also included a meaningful remembrance of Bishops, spouses, and delegates who had passed away since the last General Conference, including Junius Dotson and Nathan Stanton. The unique music that followed became a thin place for me to connect with my late father, Mark Conard, who served as a delegate from the Kansas West Annual Conference for several quadrennia. I was glad to remember my Dad and honor his legacy of service to the denomination and Christ.

Methodist Family Day brought greetings from various branches of the Methodist family, including Pan-Methodist Full Communion Members, Concordat Partners, Affiliated Autonomous Churches, Affiliated United Churches, Full Communion with Voice Churches, Covenanting Churches, and Autonomous Methodist Churches. Bishop Jeffrey Leath, the AME church’s ecumenical officer, delivered a message of unity and shared mission.

In a historic step towards inclusion and equality, the General Conference voted to remove the ban on ordaining clergy in same-sex relationships. While respecting the views of those who disagree, I believe this change will help the UMC more fully live out its call to be a welcoming church with open hearts, open minds, and open doors.

The conference also passed provisions connected with allowing clergy to perform same-sex marriages according to their beliefs and granting local churches autonomy in deciding whether to allow same-sex marriages on church property. These changes remove barriers and promote greater inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the church’s life.

The day also marked the 100th anniversary of the United Methodist Building, the 80th anniversary of UMCOR and Migrant Ministries, and progress on nominations.

My wife, Nicole, returned to Kansas this evening. I am incredibly grateful for her extra efforts in caring for our children, selling our house, and managing things at home while I am in Charlotte.

The day concluded with dinner with Dustin Petz, a longtime friend, providing an opportunity to catch up and reflect on the day’s events.

From the service of remembrance to the thin place connecting me with my father and the full welcome of LGBTQ clergy, Day 9 was both exhausting and nourishing.

Charlotte Convention Center in Uptown Charlotte
Fountain in The Green across the street from the Convention Center
BIshop David Wilson preaching at Morning Worship
Results of the Vote adopting the Consent Calendar containing inclusion of LGBTQ clergy

By Andrew Conard

Fifth-generation Kansan, United Methodist preacher, husband, and father. Passionate about teaching, preaching, and fostering inclusive communities. I am dedicated to advancing racial reconciliation and helping individuals grow spiritually, and I am excited to serve where God leads.

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